Manuals and Cross Reference Charts.
- Foster 58-93R Same as Gill 500
- Foster 54-93 Same as Gill 600
- Foster 54-02 Same as Gill 700
- Foster 74-92
- Foster Cathead 24BAH, 24BAK, 37SAH, 37SAK
- Peck 63/631 We use the 2##### part number format.
- Torque Tite Cathead 166B and 66S Cathead Same as Foster 24B and 37S
- HK500C and TR350 (they are interchangeable)
- 4500 Oil Country Manual
- 5800 Oil Country Manual
- Mark 4 and Mark V Rod Tong
- Kelco and American (Many parts out of production)
- Vintage Foster Cathead Company (for your amusement)
- RSX Manual
- Eckle 7 5/8" UHT 1977 Sliding Jaw (for informational purposes)
- Check back frequently, More to come.
Compatibility Charts: